Monday, July 30, 2012


Remember when I said that Pinterest was so addicting and that I spend like 6 hours there? Guess who spend 5 hours on StumpleUpon today? Yes, that’s right. ME!
Since I became so addicted to Pinterest I decided to move to a new page, well, an old page that I used to use before my mean cousin introduce me to Pinterest (she is sweet, but thanks to her Pinterest has my soul).

And the worst part is that I don’t love StumbleUpon. I enjoy that I can procrastinate there, but seriously I don’t get how did I spent so much time there. I remember seeing this blonde, smoke smores cake (YUM!) and a DYI stuff, but the rest is like a blur. I CAN’T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT I SAW!

Then, since I realized that 4 hours of my life went by in StumbleUpon, I decided that it should be a good idea to watch funny videos on Youtube. Yes, funny, great idea!
An hour watching Jenna Marbbles (genious), another 30 minutes watching minions singing the Banana/Potatoe song, and then another 2 hours watching El Mostacho (Spanish speaking people only, sorry).

Why do I hate this so much you may ask? I’m actually having a blast doing this. The problem is when you have a trip that starts tomorrow and you are going away for a month without your parents and just friends? And you realize you forgot to do a lot of things. So now I’m supposed to do all of those things within an hour because my family and my best friend are coming to say goodbye and I really want to sleep!

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!


  1. Hey :D You haven't posted in a while... I'm kinda missing your posts, i hope you haven't given up :)

    1. no, not at all! im just in a trip and is hard to find a computer! i will post when i get back home, in a couples of weeks!
