Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Monsters University

I finished High School last Friday, my graduation is in less than a month ( school thing, graduation is a month after we actually finish school) and I just got depressed thanks to Monsters University, not because it was a bad movie, but because it was more than awesome!

I’m pretty sure I have already said it, but Monsters Inc came put when I was 6, and I remember perfectly that I dressed up as Boo in Halloween that same year. I even had the little stuffed monster she stole from Mike that my nana made from scratch –I have to look for that thing, is somewhere in my room-. Since I was 6, I was waiting for another Monters movie, and yes, even if I was scared of monsters coming out of my closet to scare me, I loved, and still do, that movie.

Today, after almost 12 years, I went to see the monsters of my childhood go to college. The most sad thing? I’m about to go to college to, well, after a gap year of course. But the fact that Sully and Mike are going to college at the same time I’m filling applications and doing my work to get in college, is kind of sad. Not lame, pathetic kind of sad, but an i-grew-up-too-quickly kind of sad.

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

PS: read my other post about Monsters University, and enjoy the amazing web page they created!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


When Vine came out I wanted to download it in my phone. For some reason I couldn’t find it –maybe because I have a Galaxy S3- but I was mad because I really wanted to watched videos, because as you know, I spend most of my day in Youtube.

But Instagram decided to upgrade their system and now you can upload videos too! And put filters! Im super happy about that because, even if I rant a lot about instagram a few days ago I freaking love those filters and how cute my pictures look!
Did I find a new hobby? Oh yeah! I just hope the Youtubers I follow on Instagram start uploading ideos with those little cute filters! (I sound so lame)

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Throwback Thursday

It’s all over internet, and I decided to answer some questions to honor this weekly day!

When did you born?
May 2nd 1995
Describe yourself when little?
Pale skin, I had an afro, big brown eyes, and I was a  pretty big baby. Big, not fat!
What shows did you watch as a kid?
Everything on Disney, like Even Steven, That’s So Raven, The Sweet Life of Zack and Cody, Brandy and Mr. Whiskers, Lizzie McGuire, House of Mouse, Dinosaurs, Boy Meets World, Brotherly Love, Phill of the Future, Power Rangers (the ones where they were animals).
From Nickelodeon pretty much everything, like Ginger, Angry Beavers, Rocko (even if I hated it), Power Rangers, SpongeBob, Rugrats, Drake and Josh, Kablam!, and more!
And form random channels things like Sleepover Club and H2O Just Add Water .
What did you wanted to be when you grow up? Do you want to be that today?
In kindergarten I wanted to be a teacher, then a dentist, then a doctor, then a designer because I loved to draw, then a fashion designer, then something that has to do with fashion and finally I decided to be a journalist. I always liked to write, like I wrote a small story about me being a dentist that I cant find right now, but I wrote it.
Favorite toys to play with?
My brothers Game Boy, my Yu Gi Oh cards, my barbies and Polly Pockets. I also drew and wrote a lot when I was little, if pencils and paper count as a toy
Something embarrassing that happened to you when you were a child?
Well, I don’t get embarrassed easly, so there is no thing. Funny moments? Yes. I was mad at my brother because he ate the last cookie and I wanted it, so as a revenge, I grabbed all my barbies (I had like 50, no joke) and took out all the clothes and put them in my brothers room, with all the clothes on his floor. He is very OCD, everything in his room has to be perfect, so he got pretty mad at me. Another funny thing, when I was like 5 I farted in his car, and he didn’t let me get in his car for more than 2 months (OCD, remember?)
 Three songs you listen when you were younger?
Well, not songs exactly, but so you get the idea, all Backstreet Boys songs, Britney Spears songs and Disney Songs, because I’m that cool.
Name some of your Halloween costumes when you were younger?
Ballerina, Doll ( I hated that costume!), Boo from Monsters Inc (my nana made me the stuffed animal Mike gave to her), a chef, and Cleopatra.
Something weird you did when you were a child?
I was a weird child, I’m still a weird girl! So must of the things I did were weird! I put naked Barbies on my brother’s room! But something really, really weird is that I filmed with my neighbors a crappy sitcom. It was pretty weird because first we had a camara, then we broke it so we just acted WITH NO ONE TO WATCH IT
Do you have a story about a broken arm or stiches?
No, and I don’t get why, I was like a monkey, I always climbed things, but never fell of anything.
Do you live in a different world from when you were a kid?
Totally different. I played with marbles and Yu Gi Oh cards and legos and things like that. Now kids have Ipads and better phones than mine! (look for my post about childhood!)

Instagram Ranting Time

I can’t understand how people find me on Instagram! I seriously can’t! I have my pictures protected so random people won’t find me and they won’t steal my pictures, but somehow they do! And no, no thanks to my hashtags because they are like “#NicoleAteTheWholePizza “ “doggyPuIsMarried” and random hashtags that are inside jokes with my friends. SO HOW THE HELL DID YOU FOUND ME ON THIS S@#?!T.

The boy I like is not following me, Josh Hutcherson is not following me, so why are you?!  Unless I know who you are, please, please, don’t add me! Must likely, I will reject you, and I wont even follow you back. So there’s that!

Talking about hashtags, I really cant understand why people put every word on a different hashtag?! #they #do #like #this #and #it #is #so #annoying #followforfollow #Instalike #Suit #pool# water #sun #hamburger #tomatoe #cheese #meat #more #meat… DO YOU HAVE TO PUT SO MANY HASHTAGS?
Another thing I really can’t understand is why people put more than 4 pictures of the same situation! I have like three friends that go to eat with their family and they put a picture with each member of the family, separately , and then a picture of the food, and a picture of their outfit, and at the end of the day they have like 8 picture of the same event. DO A FREAKING PICSTICH! I know you want to take many pictures because you want to have the memories forever and yada yada yada. But don’t post them all or post them in a collage! Everyone is happy!

The last thing I find annoying on instagram is when a person likes EVERY. SINGLE. PICTURE you have on your profile, even the old ones, the really, really old ones. There are two options a) you are trolling me b)you are stalking me. Either of them are extremely annoying and I will be super mad, unless is option b and you are Logan Lerman or Josh Hutcherson!

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I Hate My Job Video Reaction

How long has it been since I did a video reaction? Well, thanks to another blogger (link below) I’m doing a new one!

  • It took me at least a year to get used to high heels, meaning it took me a while to learn how to properly walk on those shoes, and it took me longer to be able to dance in parties with them. So how the hell those men can perform a choreography perfectly with heels! I DO NOT UNDERSTAND!
  • Do they use Veet to shave their legs? Because they are freakily smooth! WHY!
  • I think they are amazing dancers
  • The middle one is super hot. There, I said it, even if he is shaved and on high heels he is hot.
  • If I hear the song on the radio there is a 99% chance I will smash it and then through it away
  • Even if I think it’s funny, I’ll stay with other weird men dancing around like “Peter la Anguila” (you should watch it)
  • Am I the only one who thinks this looks like the “Single Ladies” dance?  

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

PS: looks like i don't have any writers block anymore! and! here is the blog's link!

I Apologize

I want to apologize, really, really apologize to all. I wanted to post every day three pages of my Wreck This Journal but I been so busy procrastinating and filling application that even if I’m completing my journal, I didn’t take many pictures, meaning I have a few pictures of what I have done! I promise I will do a video and put some music when it’s done so you can see the final result!

Neshikot Chamot everyone!

Best Feelings

So while writing the post about “Reasons to Smile” just seconds ago, y wrote “it’s one of the best feelings in the world”. So, as usual, I decided to make a list, only this time, about the best feelings in the world

  • Taking out your makeup after a long day
  • Taking out your bra after whatever you did during the day. (it doesn’t matter how long you had it on, it’s always feel great when you take it out)
  • Taking out your heels after dancing or walking a lot on them
  • Making someone laugh
  • Helping someone pass a school subject
  • Peeing after holding your pee for a long time
  • Watching an old movie while it’s raining outside
  • Being able to talk to your parents
  • Creating new memories with someone
  • Receiving a hug from a person who is huggable! They feel like a giant stuffed animal, the only difference is that the person loves you for real!
  • Realizing it’s Friday!
  • Realizing is summer!
  • Taking a shower after a workout
  • Pooping in your own toilet after going for a vaca
  • Sleeping in the cold side of the pillow. WIN!
  • Getting your driver’s license!

Neshikot Chamot everyone!

Reasons To Smile

I know, it has been forever since I last posted on my blog, but I swear I have a good excuse this time! I had writers block, a really bad one. I tried to sit down and write essays for school and applications but couldn’t, I try to draw, write goodbye letters to my friends (school activity for graduation) but nothing. I couldn’t do anything that has to do with creativity. Why? I have no f idea!
But as usual I spend most of my day in YouTube or Pinterest and I saw a video that is called “10 reasons to smile”. So smile because…

  • … your ex is acting al jealous when he hears you mention any boy or when you say “honey” to a guy over the phone!
  • …. you nailed that exam that was super hard and you didn’t study! Smile even more if the smartest kid in your class had the same grade that you had
  • …. Pheobe change her name to Princess Consuela Bannanahammock
  • …one of your closest guy friends just came back from college and you saw him after 5 months!
  • … you are reading this which means you own a computer and you have internet. You are lucky
  • …. you are stronger than yesterday!
  • … you are awesome and I just feel it.
  • … those super skinny jeans that are a size 4 or 2 finally fits!
  • … you passed chemistry! (I PASSED IT)
  • …your crush liked your picture in Instagram
  • …Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University are coming out soon
  • And I’m sure there are hundreds of other reasons to smile. So go ahead, smile a little, and make people laugh. Believe me, it’s one of the best feelings in the world.
  • … Logan Lerman is single (or at least I think he is)

Neshikot Chamot