Sunday, July 8, 2012

Jules Verne

When I saw Journey To The Center Of The Earth, something inside me told me that I have to read it. Not only because I’m kind of obsess with Josh Hutcherson (can you blame me?) or that I love to read and I wanted to understand the movie in a better way. Something inside me was desperate to read it, to connect with it. I couldn’t find it (I will see if I can download it in my kindle). The years went by and I saw Journey 2. Again, something inside me told me that I have to read The Mysterious Island. I HAVE TO!

Now, I’m doing a research on my family (I’m doing a trip to Poland and I want to know about my family history, like really, really know it, before I go) even though I already know most of it. Exept from my grandpa. He was in Auschwitz, and he never spoke about it because it was very horrible. So I barely know his story. I asked my mom and she told me “I don’t know if Granpa had any brothers or sisters, I just know he had a German Shepherd and his name was Dingo, like the dog from Jules Verne’s book  “The Lighthouse at the End of the World”

When she told me that, I got goose bumps. That moment I understood that no Josh Hutchrson, or no movie is making me read that book. Is my granpa. IS being able to connect with him even after he passed away. Reading is my passion, and knowing that my granpa read the same book that I want to read makes me happy.
I’ve always felt that I have to read Julius Verne’s books. And now I understand why.
Neshikot Chamot everyone!

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