I been wanting a blog for a while.I have tons of tips for everything, and i just love to write. I wanted a place to write whatever i want whenever i want, without scratching or over thinking. Just me, my thoughts and a place to write them down
people told me to write a blog, that i can write down my fitness, diet, hair
growing, traveling tips and also, as I said before, my thoughts. Being able to
say "I @#?! hate everyone" or "It's 3 A.M, I'm eating
PB&J while watching SpongeBob" and it wouldn't matter, because who
tried to do one before but it didn't work, so I'm trying again. What do I have
to loose?
So why not? Let's write a blog
So why not? Let's write a blog
I should
explain why I choose Neshikot Chamot. I've always love Gossip Girl and how
she's known because her motto "You know you love me, XOXO Gossip
Girl" and I say that i need a motto too, a phrase that when people hear it
they say "That's her!". Neshikot Chamot means warm kisses in hebrew,
it's a way of saying XOXO. So there it is, my motto, my own way of saying XOXO
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