Sunday, July 22, 2012

Best kind of Hangover Ever!

I think that writters are mean. They write this amazing books that catches you and you really cant let go , and you are like “I gotta go to sleep, it 3 A.M” but the author of the book is like “nope” because she/he wrote something supper amazing in the last line of that chapter and you need to keep going.

Then you watch your clock and it’s 6 A.M,, you have lost track of time. congrats! the book was really good!

 Then comes the moment when you realize that you gotta go to school in less than an hour.

You get to school, looking super bad, with puffy eyes, and a drunk face. And lucky you! You have chemistry in the fisrt period with the most strict teacher ever. Of course she notice that you look terrible and she sends you to the principal office because she thinks you came drunk to school, or at least with a hangover.

No Mrs. Johnson, I didn’t drink anything last night except for a cup of coffee. Regardless, I do have a hangover, a book hangover”

Oh, I just love to be drunk with the words of a good book. Who need anything else?
Neshikot Chamot everyone!


  1. You can get sent to the principal's office for looking hung over? And I agree, some books are just so captivating, you can't stop!

  2. well, you are in highschool, you arent supposed to drink, or anything. they dont do anything bad, just send you to the nurse office or something.if you do come drunk then you are in serious problems.
    never happened to me thou :) and yess, some books are so amazing that you cant stop
