Thursday, April 11, 2013

Things I Hate: Plane Edition.

So yes, I traveled yesterday for a family vacation. It’s the only time my brothers, my parents and me have “free time” and can travel, so here we are, in a two bedroom apartment, the five of us, together. (One of my brothers is coming next week actually, but it’s still family vaca)

And yesterday was traveling day, the thing I hate the must. I love airports,  I have a blast there getting in the Duty Free or eating in the food courts there, and just walking. But being on a plane? Ugh, I seriously hate it. I’m not afraid of them, I just get super bored there, especially when your parents are in business  class (I was supposed to come next week but my parents change my  plane ticket and there weren't sits available in business for me). I was alone, for 9 hours, in a plane, so I had enough time to think and realize the things I hate about traveling
  • The “Bathrooms” in the Plane: are they even bathrooms? There are horribly small, you don’t have space to even turn around, people is super messy and they can’t aim the toilet, and it’s always smelly, but really, really smelly. Have you ever entered a men’s bathroom at a soccer, baseball or basketball game? Plane Bathrooms smell worse!
  • The Last Row: thankfully this wasn't my case, but if you are lucky enough to have one sit in this row, not only you will have visitors (people who want to get to the bathroom), a horrible smell because of the bathroom, the light from the crew space,  and small place for your legs (all the rows are the same), but you won’t be able to rest your sit!  Way to go!
  • The Small Space for your Legs: I’m a big girl, I’m 5’7 and I have a hourglass body, my legs are super long and you have no idea how hard it is for me to be able to sit comfortably in a plane. I can’t bend my legs because I hit the person I have besides me, I can’t  crossed them because, again, I have people next to me. I can’t put them in my sit, because then I won’t fit. It’s too horrible. And if the case is like yesterday, were I have two sits by myself, and I can put the arm rest up, I will have the other arm rest in my back, or my legs won’t fit in the two sits, so I just went for crossing my legs and sitting like in kindergarten.
  • Family with little kids: Ok, you have to travel, I get it. But smash some sleeping pills, put them in warm milk, and give them to them! Seriously, you will be more relaxed because you don’t have to pay attention to them, and I will be able to rest in the plane ride. Note: it’s even worse when a family has like 3 little kids, and when it’s not just one family, but 6! Note to self: drink warm milk with sleeping pills before a plane ride.
  • Plane Food: or as a I call it, Jail Food. Is horrible! I don’t even listen the options anymore, I just ask for the bread and the fruits, even If the bread is icy cold and the fruit smells like it’s been there for days. Since I always have this problem, I eat like crazy in the airport (cough, to cheese sticks, cookies, a coffee, a coke, and 2 bag of chips, cough). Yeah, yeah, I should eat healthy, but I need something in my belly!
  • Waiting for the suitcases: is that mine? Where is mine? Did it arrived? Look, that’s mine! No, it’s purple! UGH! Waiting is horrible, and the fact that maybe, just maybe, your suitcase didn't arrived is the worst. But when you finally see your suitcase, it’s a magic moment!

And last but not least:
  • The plane ride itself: At first you are excited because the last Seventeen Magazine is in your lap and maybe InStyle and Glamour too, but after ten minutes you devoured the magazines, and your kindle is out of battery, and you forgot your earphones, and the planes ones are crappy, and you have two options, or to sleep or to stay awake talking to yourself. Imagine that for 9 hours?

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

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