Monday, April 29, 2013

50 Facts About Me

I been seeing the “50 Facts About Me Tag” in Youtube, and since I own a Blog and not a Vlog, I decided to write them down here! This was actually really hard for me to do because I had to think about how I am and what I like to do

1.      I’m 5.7’
2.      I’m a brunnette
3.      I don’t have a favorite color, I hate pink thou
4.      I can’t eat the apple’s skin.
5.      When I’m tired I cry, a lot.
6.      I eat my McNuggets with French Fries as a sandwich, aka: I wrapped a nugget in two French fries.
7.      I can’t see fishes swimming, I can’t stand them. Not the smell, not the taste, not the look.
8.      If you want to win my heart, give me some Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
9.      I love to read a lot, but lately I haven’t found time nor a great book that has me hooked *snif snif*
10.  I’m super close to my family and friends.
11.  I get attached really easily, that’s why I cry in every single movie or book. Really, I cried in CLICK! (Adam Sandler). My cousin Stephi teases me a lot because of that.
12.  I have big brows, and more than once I been stopped at the street by a stranger who tells me to never “chopped”, “wax” or “ruined” them.
13.  I’m extremely scared of spiders. I see one and I start yelling and jumping in a chair so it won’t kill me. Remember Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Is my favorite book and I skipped the chapter about the giant spider and in the movie I did the same.  I’m really scared of them!
14.  I really don’t like to wear makeup. I like putting it on, but having it on and the taking it off is horrible for me.
15.  I had an obsession with Nick Jonas when I was 11-13 years old. It was crazy, but I never had any poster of him in my room.
16.  I watched all the episodes of White Collar in less than two weeks.
17.  I never sucked my thumb or used a pacifier.
18.  I’m extremely hypochondriac. I see a bug bite and start thinking is something super dangerous.
19.  My lucky –and favorite- number is 25.
20.  I had never broken a bone in my body, so I never wore a cast. I was extremely jelaous of my cousin because she had a cast and people wrote on it and make doodles and I wanted one.
21.  I have long fingers; people told me they are perfect for piano.
22.  After I watched Monsters Inc, I slept with the door of my closet open because that way the monsters will have problems opening my door. (Monsters Inc is one of my fave movies now!)
23.  I never had a pet, sadly
24.  I’m the only girl in my family.
25.  I have a birth mark in my belly, that is shaped like a heart with a hat (my kindergarten teacher told me that and I stuck with it)
26.  I have to go to the manicurist every week or I will bite my nails and hurt myself really bad
27.  When I have hicupp, I say “HIPPO” between each hiccup.
28.  My friends and family forbid me to sing. Not just because I have a terrible, terrible voice but I don’t have rhythm at all.
29.  Despite my lack of rhythm (fact 27), I’m a great dancer and I was in dancing lesson that ended with a huge festival for more than 8 years.
30.  I used to pretend I was a Editor in Chief in a magazine and every magazine I bought when I was between 7 to 11 has marks and post its and notes on it pointing the mistakes and things that will look better and the models I like for the next photo shoot.
31.  I love garlic! Everything that I eat has to have garlic on it
32.  I have never been in the snow
33.  I can quote every single episode of FRIENDS. I love that series so much
34.  Currently, I’m obsess with Carrie’s Diaries
35.   I think the moon is more than just a rock in the space. When I was little I stare at it for more than 20 minutes and always said to my parents “Look at the moon! Look at the moon!”
36.  I hate trying on clothes, I hate it a lot! Specially the Fitting Rooms, they are despicable to me!
37.  Talking about despicable, I totally love Dispicable Me. I’m in love with the minions!
38.  If I have a dog I want to name it Nugget, Mozarella, Mochino, or Dolce.
39.  I love to buy backpacks, a lot! I own more backpacks than you imagine!
40.  I’m organized when it comes to work or arranging things, but my room is a mess. Hey, at least I know my mess!
41.  I want to be a journalist when I grow up
42.  I love kids cartoons
43.  I spend most of my Saturday nights watching funny videos on YouTube and eating cereal. That or going to a party
44.  Selena Gomez, Lilly Collins,  Shane Grimmes ,Kendall and Kyle Jenner are my fashion icons even if I don’t dress like them. I really love their style.
45.  I died my hair ombre on September 2012, but the hair stylist was horrible so she ruined my hair.
46.  Now I have a beautiful dark brown color, a tone darker than my natural and I love it.
47.  I love chocolate, and Max Brenners is one of my favorite places in the world
48.  I miss sleep away camp
49.  I can understand Hebrew but it’s hard for me to talk.
50.  I don’t like when people call my name, I hate it actually

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Things I Hate: Plane Edition.

So yes, I traveled yesterday for a family vacation. It’s the only time my brothers, my parents and me have “free time” and can travel, so here we are, in a two bedroom apartment, the five of us, together. (One of my brothers is coming next week actually, but it’s still family vaca)

And yesterday was traveling day, the thing I hate the must. I love airports,  I have a blast there getting in the Duty Free or eating in the food courts there, and just walking. But being on a plane? Ugh, I seriously hate it. I’m not afraid of them, I just get super bored there, especially when your parents are in business  class (I was supposed to come next week but my parents change my  plane ticket and there weren't sits available in business for me). I was alone, for 9 hours, in a plane, so I had enough time to think and realize the things I hate about traveling
  • The “Bathrooms” in the Plane: are they even bathrooms? There are horribly small, you don’t have space to even turn around, people is super messy and they can’t aim the toilet, and it’s always smelly, but really, really smelly. Have you ever entered a men’s bathroom at a soccer, baseball or basketball game? Plane Bathrooms smell worse!
  • The Last Row: thankfully this wasn't my case, but if you are lucky enough to have one sit in this row, not only you will have visitors (people who want to get to the bathroom), a horrible smell because of the bathroom, the light from the crew space,  and small place for your legs (all the rows are the same), but you won’t be able to rest your sit!  Way to go!
  • The Small Space for your Legs: I’m a big girl, I’m 5’7 and I have a hourglass body, my legs are super long and you have no idea how hard it is for me to be able to sit comfortably in a plane. I can’t bend my legs because I hit the person I have besides me, I can’t  crossed them because, again, I have people next to me. I can’t put them in my sit, because then I won’t fit. It’s too horrible. And if the case is like yesterday, were I have two sits by myself, and I can put the arm rest up, I will have the other arm rest in my back, or my legs won’t fit in the two sits, so I just went for crossing my legs and sitting like in kindergarten.
  • Family with little kids: Ok, you have to travel, I get it. But smash some sleeping pills, put them in warm milk, and give them to them! Seriously, you will be more relaxed because you don’t have to pay attention to them, and I will be able to rest in the plane ride. Note: it’s even worse when a family has like 3 little kids, and when it’s not just one family, but 6! Note to self: drink warm milk with sleeping pills before a plane ride.
  • Plane Food: or as a I call it, Jail Food. Is horrible! I don’t even listen the options anymore, I just ask for the bread and the fruits, even If the bread is icy cold and the fruit smells like it’s been there for days. Since I always have this problem, I eat like crazy in the airport (cough, to cheese sticks, cookies, a coffee, a coke, and 2 bag of chips, cough). Yeah, yeah, I should eat healthy, but I need something in my belly!
  • Waiting for the suitcases: is that mine? Where is mine? Did it arrived? Look, that’s mine! No, it’s purple! UGH! Waiting is horrible, and the fact that maybe, just maybe, your suitcase didn't arrived is the worst. But when you finally see your suitcase, it’s a magic moment!

And last but not least:
  • The plane ride itself: At first you are excited because the last Seventeen Magazine is in your lap and maybe InStyle and Glamour too, but after ten minutes you devoured the magazines, and your kindle is out of battery, and you forgot your earphones, and the planes ones are crappy, and you have two options, or to sleep or to stay awake talking to yourself. Imagine that for 9 hours?

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Carter Jax

I know, I know, I said I will read other books, but I had Sophie And Carter in my kindle and I was super bored in my chemistry class and I just started reading it, and I devoured it! I finished it in less than an hour!

The book is about Sophie and Carter, two teenagers who live in the same street, they are neighbors, and they both have a pretty messed up life.

Carter’s mother has esquizofrenia and Sophie’ mother is never home. They only have eachothers.

This book is pretty good, even if I felt like the author graped up the book too quickly.
And yes, this means I have a new boy for my book boyfriend list.

He is so kind and so strong, living with a mother like his must be hard, plus the whole situation with his father.  The way he talks to Sophie and understand her  and takes care of her. Carter and Sophie take care of eachothers. And that’s the main reason why I think Carter is such a cute guy. His life is a mess, and he still takes care of others, and protects them.

And my mental picture of him? Josh Hutcherson. The only description there is about Carter is “broad shoulders, square jaw, piercing grey eyes”, and , boom,  I thought of Josh.  I think he will be perfect for the role.
See? Perfect!

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

Call Me Hope

I finished Call Me Hope, and I have to say how wonderful it was! I think is so well written and the plot is really good. Hope is a 6th grader who’s mom is abusive to her, she call Hope dumb shit and stupid and makes her feel horrible. Hope comes up with a system to make her feel better, and she puts in on practice.

Even if it’s not the typical book I read, I enjoy it. I won’t post much about it because I don’t want to spoil it, but it was a really good book.

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!

Monday, April 1, 2013

So Depressive

I can’t believe my spring break will end tomorrow and I haven’t finish one single book! I’m supposed to do this huge amount of homework and read two books for school and I haven’t finish one of the ones I wrote in my list , not even the ones for school!

Maybe that will be my “after spring before summer to read list”. 
So depressive.

Neshikot Chamot Everyone!